недеља, 13. јануар 2013.


Hi people,
here's my casual look for waterpolo game. Jeans, sweater and simple coat with red details. 
Do you like it?

Cao ljudi,
ovo je moj opusteni autfit za vaterpolo uatkmicu. Farmerke, dzemper i obican mantil sa crvenim detaljima.
Da li vam se svidja?

xoxo,the Natural Dress

I was wearing:

Zara coat
Geox boots
Mango jeans
Mango sweater
Mona belt
Chanel bag
Bralecets: Promod, Stradivarious, Accessorize
Rings: Frey Wille, P.S. fashion
P.S. fashion neckless
Ljiljana Prodanovic beanie
Ray Ban sunglasses