субота, 10. август 2013.


Dan u Dubrovniku. Suncan i prelep dan. Letovala sam u Herceg Novom i moj drug i ja smo odlucili da odemo malo i do Hrvatske. U Dubrovniku sam bila nekoliko puta i svaki put se obradujem kad dodjem ponovo, volim stari grad, uske prolaze, plazu, mislim da ovde prave najbolje sladolede, ubedljivo najukusnije. More je prelepo, kristalne plave boje, velicanstveno je. Ko jos nije bio tamo, svima savetujem da posete ovaj prelepi gradic.

Day in Dubrovnik. Sunny and beautiful one. I spent this summer in Herceg Novi and my friend and I decided to go to Croatia for a while. I was several times in Dubrovnik and every time I feel delighted when I get back, I love the old town, narrow passages, the beach, I think there is the best ice cream there, the tastiest one. The sea is beautiful, crystal blue, looks magnificent. I suggest everyone to visit this beautiful town.


I was wearing:
Zara shorts 
H&M top
Zara headband
Zara bag
Ray Ban suglasses

уторак, 6. август 2013.

College style in Moscow

Odavno sam zelela da kupim sebi koledz jaknu i napokon sam je nasla u Moskvi. Htela sam da bude neutralne boje sa jakim detaljem, kao sto je ovde slovo "A" narandzaste boje! Kad me neko pita sta znaci slovo "A", ja kazem da je jakna bila specijalno namenjena meni kao buducem arhitekti.

I wanted to buy a college jacket for a long time and finally I found her in Moscow. I'd prefer to be a neutral color with colorful detail, like this letter "A" in orange! When someone asks me what letter "A" means, I say that the jacket was specifically designed for me, to a future architect.

I was wearing:
TopShop jacket
Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
C&A T-shirt
Centar обувь bag 
Ray Ban sunglasses
P&S fashion ring
D&G watch

понедељак, 5. август 2013.


Sokolniki je deo grada u kojem sam zivela u Moskvi. Mislim da je jedna od najboljih lokacija, nalazi se na crvenoj liniji metroa i potrebno je samo 10 minuta do centra grada. Takodje ovde se nalazi jedan od vecih parkova u Moskvi, tamo sam se vikendom setala sa drustvom ili sa roditeljima. Otkako sam se preselila, Sokolniki se izgradio, park je mnogo lepsi, ima dosta kafica, restorana, jako je prijatna lokacija za zivot i za zabavu.

Sokolniki is part of the city where I used to live in Moscow. I think it's one of the best locations here, it's situated on the metro's red line and it takes only 10 minutes to get to the centre. Also here is one of the biggest parks in Moscow, I used to spend a lot of time here with my friends or parents. Since I moved, Sokolniki had been built, the park is much prettier, there are plenty of cafes, restaurants, it's very nice location for living and for fun.

I was wearing:
Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
Stradivarius jeans shirt
Zara necklace
Ray Ban sunglasses
Dolce and Gabbana watch
Milk & Honey/ Telly Weijl bracelets
Zara bag

недеља, 4. август 2013.

Red Moscow

Kad kazete Moskva, prvo sta vam padne na pamet je Crveni trg. To je najpoznatija i jedna od najlepsih mesta koje treba posetiti ovde. Ja iako sam zivela 8 godina u Rusiji, svaki put kad dodjem na Crveni trg osecam se prelepo, kao da leptirici lete u mom stomaku, svaki put se ponovo zaljubim. Najvazniji dogadjaji se desavaju upravo ovde, na svaki praznik Crveni trg je pun, zapravo, ovde sam ja i zavrsila skolu, tj matura je bila odrzana u Kremlju i na trgu. Znam svaki detalj ovog predivnog mesta. Ne znam da li sam vam pricala, ja mnogo volim da crtam i moja omiljena slika koju sam ja uradila je Crveni trg i crkva Vasilija Blazenog. Jednostavno ovo mesto je izuzetno znacajno za mene.

When you say Moscow, the first thing that comes to mind is Red Square. It is the most famous and one of the most beautiful places to visit here. Although I lived 8 years in Russia, every visit to Red Square is amazing, I feel like butterflies are flying in my stomach, like I'm  falling in love over and over again. The most important events are happening right here, on every holiday Red Square is full, actually, I finished school here, the graduation was held in the Kremlin and in the square. I know every detail of this beautiful place. I don't know if I told you, I'm into drawing and my favorite picture that I did is the Red Square and the Church of Basil. Simply, this place is very important for me.

I was wearing:
Ljiljina Prodanovic skirt
H&M top
Zara jeans jacket
Shine flats
Ray Ban sunglasses
Burberry bag
H&M necklace