субота, 12. април 2014.

White denim

Teksas kosulje i jakne nikad ne izlaze iz mode, niti ce. To su stvari koje svaka devojka i svaki muskarac moraju da poseduju u ormaru, tako reci “must have” komad odece. Cak i sam dizajn jakni i kosulja se nije menjao godinama . Ja koliko znam za sebe, uvek sam imala po nekoliko komada. Moja mama je, inace, mene navukla na teksas jos kad sam bila beba. Mozda ih zato i toliko volim.  
Teksas jakne imaju dugu istoriju, prva se pojavila 1910 godine zahvaljujuci Levi Strauss-u. Malo se razlikovala od danasnjih jakni, vise je licila na veliku kosulju, imala je jedan dzep i na ledjima oko struka je bio kais sa kojim se regulisala velicina. Dve decenije kasnije na teksas jakni se pojavio jos jedan dzep i cuvena crvena etiketa, koja podseca na logo Levi’s 506. Tako i dan danas izgledaju klasicne jakne.
Moje misljenje je da se teksas jaknice idu kao uz skroz casual outfit, tako i uz elegantne haljinice. Cak i kombinacija teksas jakne sa klasicnom kosuljom moze da bude jako zanimljiva, moze da posluzi kao sako. Dobro odradjena jakna, kao i sako mogu da sakriju nedostatke figure, da ramena ucine sirim, a struk, naprotiv, uzim. Najbitnije je sve lepo uklopiti, dodati dobar komad nakita i izneti na najbolji moguci nacin. 

Denim shirts and jackets never go out of fashion and never will. Every girl and man should have in their closet, they're "must have". The design of the jacket and the shirt hasn't changed during years. As far as I can remember, I've always had some. My mom is actually responsible for my addiction to denim.. Maybe that's why i love them so much .
Denim jackets have a long history, first appeared in 1910 thanks to Levi Strauss. It's a bit different from today's looking jacket, it was more like a large shirt, had a pocket on the back and the belt on the waist to control the size. Two decades later, the denim jacket got another pocket and the famous red label that resembles the icon Levi 's 506. That's how today's denim jackets look like.
In my opinion denim jackets can be matched with casual outfit or with elegant dresses. Even the combination of denim jackets with a classic shirt can be very fascinating, can be used as a blazer. Well done jacket, as a blazer can hide figure flaws, can make shoulders wider and waist narrower. The most important thing is to combine well, add some splendent jewelry and repsented in the best way.

Zara denim jacket
Stradivarious denim shirt
Prodanovic Atelier skirt
Calzedonia socks
Michael Kors watch
H&M nacklace
Ballerina boots

среда, 9. април 2014.

Point at orange

Ovim putem zelim svim mojim pratiocima da se izvinim zbog mog odsustva. Nije me dugo bilo i nadam se da ste se uzeleli mene i mojih postova. :)
U proteklih par meseci imala sam jako puno obaveza i nisam mogla da se posvetim blog-u toliko koliko sam ja zelela, ali zato sad vam obecavam da se to vise nece ponoviti, ponovo cemo da se druzimo. Uskoro vas ocekuju iznenadjenja, zanimacije i puno saveta i modnih predloga. Budite u toku, pratite blog na facebook-u instagram-u i bloglovin'-u.

I'd like to apologise to my followers for my absence. I've been away for some time and I hope that you've missed me and my posts. :)
In the past few months I had a lot for duties, so I had no opportunity to focuse on the blog as much as I'd like to, but now I'm apsolutely sure it won't happen again and we can hang out. I pepared some surprises for you guys, a lot of fashion tips and suggestions. So, stay turned and follow my blog on facebook, instagram or bloglovin'.

Zara leather jacket
Prodanovic Atelier skirt (available soon) 
Zara blouse
Aldo shoes
Ray Ban sunglasses
H&M nacklace

субота, 28. децембар 2013.

Blue scales

                                         Photos by Aleksa Cvejić

Da li ste se nekada pitali zašto ste baš obukli odecu neke specifične boje? Da li to zavisi od vašeg raspoloženja? Mozda govore o vašoj ličnosti? Zapravo, boje koje ste odabrali da obučete nisu vezane samo za vašu ličnost, već govore i o vašem emocionalnom zdravlju i raspoloženju onih koji vas okružuju.
Ako želite da budete primećeni, bilo od strane jačeg ili slabijeg pola, obucite se u crveno. Ova boja znači seksualnost, vatrenost. Mnoge studije pokazale su da crvena ima jak uticaj na ponašanje, a onoga ko je nosi čini upadljivim i privlačnim. Žene mogu čak nositi crveno kako bi, nesvesno, slale seksualne signale.
Plava boja utiče smirujuće i opuštajuće. Zato ne treba da iznenađuje da se ljudi najudobnije osećaju noseći plavo. Plava boja povezuje se sa otvorenošću i mirom, što dalje, otvara vrata kreativnosti.
Mnogi se odlučuju za crnu, zato što je “proverena”, “ide uz sve”, “sužava”... Ali, ona može imati i negativne konotacije.
Ako želite da vas primete, obucite narandžasto. Ova boja podiže raspoloženje i govori o pozitivnom emocionalnom duhu.
Ako želite da širite osećaj poverenja i pozitivnog emocionalnog stanja, nosite zeleno. To je boja prirode, ekologije, ali i novca i bogatstva. Pored toga, ova boja može pokrenuti kreativnost.
Kraljevska boja – ljubičasta. Odaje jaku ličnost koja voli da bude lider. Ona je kombinacija crvene i plave, dve moćne boje. 
Kad vidite nekoga u roze odeći, pre ćete reći “slatko je”, nego “super je”. Ali, uprkos čednom izgledu, ova boja može nekad vrlo snažan efekat. Sedamdesetih prošlog veka naučnici su otkrili da zatvorenici koji zure u plafon ili zid obojen u roze postaju manje agresivni.
Siva je neutralna boja i nema neki poseban uticaj na raspoloženje, posebno na nivou podsvesti. Ona je dobar izbor ako hoćete da ostavite utisak odmerenosti i uzdržanosti. Treba da znate da siva ima moć da deluje suzbijajuće, tako da, ako stalno nosite sivu boju, možda posle nekog vremena nećete biti najsrećnija osoba na planeti.
Tako da devojke, pažljivo birajte boje, ali u svakom slučaju trudite se da izgledate u svakoj kombinaciji ženstveno i dostojno.

Have you ever wondered why you just put on the clothes of a particular color? Does it depend on your mood? Maybe it says something  about your personality? In fact, the colors you choose to wear are not related only to your personality, but also speak about your emotional health and mood of those around you .
If you want to be noticed put on the red color. This color means sexuality and passion. Many studies have shown that red has a strong influence on behavior and the wearer makes a striking and attractive . Women can even wear red to unconsciously send sexual signals.
The blue color is calming and relaxing. You should therefore not be surprise that people feel most comfortable wearing blue. The blue color is associated with openness and peace, which further opens your creativity .
Many choose black because it is "always the right choice", "goes with everything " , "narrow" ... But it can have negative connotations .
If you want to be noticed, wear orange. This uplifts and talks about positive emotional style.
If you want to spread a sense of confidence and a positive emotional state, wear green. It is the color of nature, ecology and money and wealth . In addition, the color may run creativity .
Royal colors - purple. Reveals a strong personality of those who likes to be a leader. It is a combination of red and blue, two powerful colors .
When you see someone in a pink outfit, first you say " sweet ", not " it's great " . But, despite the virtuous appearance, this color can have very powerful effect . In the seventies of the last century, scientists have discovered that prisoners who were staring at the ceiling or walls painted in pink become less aggressive .
Gray is a neutral color and does not have any particular effect on mood, particularly at the level of the subconscious . It is a good choice if you want to leave the impression of restraint. You should know that silver has the power to act by suppressing, so if you 're wearing only a gray color, maybe after a while you won’t be the happiest person on the planet .
So the girls carefully choose the colors, but nevertheless, try to look in every combination feminine and dignified .

TopShop skirt
Zara sweater
Zara sandals
Ana Hickmann sunglasses

субота, 21. децембар 2013.

Back to school

                             Photos by Aleksa Cvejic

Iskren i nezloban smeh znaci veselost. Veselost coveka je najvidnija crta njegova,koja ga najvise odaje. Jedan karakter dugo ne mozete upoznati, ali cim se covek bar jedanput nasmeje sasvim iskreno, pokazace vam se njegov celi karakter odmah kao na dlanu. Samo covek vrlo visokog i vrlo sretnog razvitka ume da bude veseo i da zarazi druge, to jest neodoljivo i dobrodusno veseo. Ne govorim o njegovom umnom razvitku, nego o karakteru, o celom coveku. Na taj nacin, ako zelite da upoznate coveka i da upoznate njegovu dusu, ne posmatrajte kako cuti ili kako govori, nego kako se smeje. Ako se dobro smeje, znaci da je dobar covek. Ja zato dobro znam da je smeh najsigurnija proba duse. Pogledajte dete: jedino deca umeju da se dobro smeju do savrsenstva i zbog toga jesu privlacna. Zato svakome podarite osmeh, ulepsajte ljudima dan tako sto cete biti prijatni i nasmejani, a videcete to ce vam se i vratiti. Osvajajte osmehom. Osmeh nista ne kosta, a deluje cudesno. Obogacuje onoga kome je namenjen, a ne osiromasuje onoga koji ga poklanja.

Honest laugh means cheerfulness. People’s cheerfulness is most visible trait which shows his character. A person of very high and very happy development can be a happy and infect on others with his overwhelmingly good-natured and cheerfulness. I'm not talking about his mental development , but the character of the whole man. In that way, if you want to get to know a person and his soul, don’t watch him being silent or speaking , but how he laughs. If the laugh is pleasant, that 's a good man. I know that laughter is the safest test of the soul. Look at the child: only kids can laugh to perfection and this is why they’re attractive. Gift smile to people, beautify theirs day by being friendly and smiling and you will see that it will return. Charm with your smile. Smile costs nothing, but influences wonderfully . It enriches those who intended and don’t impoverish those who gift them.

Zara leather jacket
Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
Forever21 cropped top
Shoestar boots
Ray Ban sunglasses
H&M earring

четвртак, 19. децембар 2013.

Townhouse 27

Zenska lepota – to je najbolja osobina koju zena moze da ima.
Jednom je Dostojevski u svom romanu izgovorio zagonetnu frazu: “Lepota spasava svet”. Koja je to zapravo lepota?
Lepota je harmonija i umetnost znati meru. Sve zene zele da izgledaju sarmantno, ali ne zna svaka kako to da postigne. Mnoge iz njih misle da izgled ne igra glavnu ulogu u njihovim zivotima, ali to bas i nije tacno, izgled svakako ima jako veliku vrednost. Nazalost, nisu sve nadarene lepotom. Mnoge zene sirom sveta se pitaju sta treba da urade da budu lepe.  Zapravo, ljudi smatraju da je najglavnije da zena ume lepo da se obuce i da se nasminka, ali najbitnije je da zena ume da “predstavi” sebe i da pokaze sva svoja dostojanstva. Zena koja ima pravilno drzanje, lepe noge, koja ume slobodno i lako da se krece, ima prijatan glas i lepo mirise, uvek privlaci paznju muskaraca. Moda dolazi i odlazi, ali stil ostaje zauvek. Zena mora da vodi racuna o sebi, da se neguje. Istina je kad se devojcice prvi put zaljube, tad i pocnu da se neguju. Ako zena sebe postuje, ona ce uvek brinuti o sebi. Mnogi muskarci misle da izgled nije najbitniji, ona treba da bude pametna i komunikativna.
Svako drugacije shvata pojam lepote. Ako je zena “lepa” unutra, ona mora da bude lepa i spolja. 

Female beauty - it's the best trait a woman can have .
Once Dostoevsky in his novel uttered the phrase: " Beauty saves the world ." What beauty he was talking about?
The beauty is harmony and art to know the extent. All women want to look charming, but not everyone knows how to achieve this. Some of them think that appearance don't play a major role in their lives, but that's not true, the appearance has a great value. Unfortunately, not all women are gifted with beauty. Many women around the world are wondering what they should do to look beautiful. In fact, people believe that the main thing about women are to be dressed well and to know to put the make-up, but the most important thing for women is know how to "present" themselves and show all their dignity. A woman who has good posture, nice legs, knows how move with lightness, has a pleasant voice and smells good, always attracts the  men's attention. Fashion comes and goes, but style remains forever. Woman have to take care of herself, to cherish. It is true that when the girls fall in love for the first time, they start to cherish. If a woman respects herself, she will always take care of herself . Many men think that appearance is not everything, women has to be intelligent and communicative .
Everyone understands the concept of beauty differently. If a woman is "pretty" inside, she must be beautiful from the outside .

Stradivarious cropped sweater
Zara skirt
Aldo shoes

субота, 14. децембар 2013.


Ljudski glas, nezavisno od toga da li je muski ili zenski, vezan je sa energetskim centrom koji odgovara za komunikaciju i kreativnost, ali ima i direktan odnos sa seksualnoscu. Ako posmatramo zenski glas stvara prostranstvo oko nje. Da li ste ikada razmisljali kakva se sila skriva u zenskom glasu? Da li vi umete da vladate svojim glasom? Da li ste spremne da uzivate i izjavljujete ljubav? U zenskom glasu je skrivena tajna sila transformacije, sile ljubavi. Ako zena pocne da psuje i vice, ne sluteci, ona rusi prostranstvo nad kojim se trudila i koje je dopunjavala toplotom i komfornoscu. Negativne vibracije, koje proisticu iz zenskog glasa, mogu da uniste muskarca. Nisu potrebne grube reci da bi se to desilo, nego intonacija i visina glasa. Ali zato nezne zenske reci cine cudo. Lep, melodican zenski glas radja prijatne snove i fantazije kod muskaraca. Zena koja je po prirodi emocionalna prica sa pauzama, izraz lica i pokreti tela govore sami za sebe. Zbog toga zeni, koja je ispunjena ljubavlju, cesto nisu potrebna reci da bi rekla muskarcu sta oseca. Cak i kad zena cuti, njen muskarac moze da oseti njeno raspolozenje i zelje. Mudra zena nema potrebu da dokazuje ili ubedjuje muskarca u necemu. Ona jednostavno uziva u samom procesu komunikacije. Glas nije samo zvucni prenos nasih razmisljanja, to je nas izraz, nasa sila. Njim mi prenosicemo svetu ljubav i pozitivnu energiju. Probajte da tako komunicirate, kao da je vas glas vase srce, glas ljubavi. Videcete kako ce se promeniti svet oko vas.

The human voice , it doesn't matter if it is male or female, is related to the energy center which is responsible for the communication and creativity, but also has a direct relationship to sexuality. If we consider the female voice it creates space around it. Have you ever thought about the power that is hidden in a woman's voice? Do you know how to control your voice? Are you ready to enjoy and show love? The woman's voice is a hidden secret powers of transformation, power of love. If a woman starts to swear and vice, not thinking about consequences, she destroys the space on which tried to work out and the space she has complemented with the warmth and comfort. Negative vibrations, arising from a female voice, can destroy men. They don't need words to make it happen, but the intonation and tone of voice. However, female's charming voice makes a miracle. Beautiful, melodic female voice can born pleasant dreams and fantasies of men. A woman who is by nature an emotional speaks with pauses, facial expressions and body movements speak for herself. That is way the woman who is fulfilled with love often don't need words to say to a man what they feel. Even if the woman stays silent, her man knows what she is feeling and thinking about. A wise woman doesn't need to prove or convince a man of something. She just enjoys the process of communication. The voice is not only sound transfer of thoughts, it shows our expressions, our forces. With them we transmit love and energy to the world. Try to communicate like that, like your voice comes out of your heart, you'll see how the world changes around you .

Love, the Natural Dress

Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
Morgano sweater
Zara Coat
Shoestar boots
Ray Ban sunglasses

Photos shot by Aleksa Cvejic 

уторак, 19. новембар 2013.


Dragi moji, stigla je i jesen, vise ne mozemo da uzivamo u toplim danima, ali sunce nas i dalje ne ostavlja samim.
Ja sam osoba koja obozava da nosi naocare za sunce, zbog toga suncani dani su za mene savrseni dani. Moja omiljena marka naocara je Ray Ban (sto se moze i primetiti). Prve koje sam kupila su bile Aviator Large Metal i dan danas ih nosim. Oni imaju najbolji dizajn koji pristaje vecini muskaraca i zena.
Da li ste mozda gledali film "Top Gun"? Iskreno, ja sam ga odgledala prvi put pre pola godine. Upravo taj film je odgovoran za povracaj Aviator-ki. Muskarci i zene su bili odusevljeni stajlinog Toma Kruza i ostalih pilota, da posle izlaska filma na male ekrane, prodaja Ray Ban Aviator naocara je porasla na 40%. To je zaista neverovatno!
Koja je vasa omiljena marka suncanih naocara? Da li imate neke koje najvise volite?

Dear followers, fall has come in our town, we can no longer enjoy the warm days, but the sun still doesn't leave us.
I am a person who adores wearing sunglasses, that's why sunny days are perfect for me. My favorite brand of sunglasses are Ray Ban (which may be noticed). The first one I bought was Aviator Large Metal and I still wear them. They have the best design which fits to the most men and women.
Have you seen the movie "Top Gun"? Honestly, I watched it for the first time six months ago. This film is responsible for getting Aviators back. Both men and women swooned at Tom Cruise's and the other pilot's style that Ray-Ban saw a 40% increase in their Aviator sales after the film was released! It's really amazing!
What is your favorite brand of sun glasses? Do you have any that you like?

Kisses, TND :*

Ljiljana Prodanovic maxi skirt
Zara leather jacket
Zara T-shirt
C&A scarf
Zara bag
Bronx boots
H&M earring
Ray Ban sunglasses