субота, 21. децембар 2013.

Back to school

                             Photos by Aleksa Cvejic

Iskren i nezloban smeh znaci veselost. Veselost coveka je najvidnija crta njegova,koja ga najvise odaje. Jedan karakter dugo ne mozete upoznati, ali cim se covek bar jedanput nasmeje sasvim iskreno, pokazace vam se njegov celi karakter odmah kao na dlanu. Samo covek vrlo visokog i vrlo sretnog razvitka ume da bude veseo i da zarazi druge, to jest neodoljivo i dobrodusno veseo. Ne govorim o njegovom umnom razvitku, nego o karakteru, o celom coveku. Na taj nacin, ako zelite da upoznate coveka i da upoznate njegovu dusu, ne posmatrajte kako cuti ili kako govori, nego kako se smeje. Ako se dobro smeje, znaci da je dobar covek. Ja zato dobro znam da je smeh najsigurnija proba duse. Pogledajte dete: jedino deca umeju da se dobro smeju do savrsenstva i zbog toga jesu privlacna. Zato svakome podarite osmeh, ulepsajte ljudima dan tako sto cete biti prijatni i nasmejani, a videcete to ce vam se i vratiti. Osvajajte osmehom. Osmeh nista ne kosta, a deluje cudesno. Obogacuje onoga kome je namenjen, a ne osiromasuje onoga koji ga poklanja.

Honest laugh means cheerfulness. People’s cheerfulness is most visible trait which shows his character. A person of very high and very happy development can be a happy and infect on others with his overwhelmingly good-natured and cheerfulness. I'm not talking about his mental development , but the character of the whole man. In that way, if you want to get to know a person and his soul, don’t watch him being silent or speaking , but how he laughs. If the laugh is pleasant, that 's a good man. I know that laughter is the safest test of the soul. Look at the child: only kids can laugh to perfection and this is why they’re attractive. Gift smile to people, beautify theirs day by being friendly and smiling and you will see that it will return. Charm with your smile. Smile costs nothing, but influences wonderfully . It enriches those who intended and don’t impoverish those who gift them.

Zara leather jacket
Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
Forever21 cropped top
Shoestar boots
Ray Ban sunglasses
H&M earring

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