субота, 28. децембар 2013.

Blue scales

                                         Photos by Aleksa Cvejić

Da li ste se nekada pitali zašto ste baš obukli odecu neke specifične boje? Da li to zavisi od vašeg raspoloženja? Mozda govore o vašoj ličnosti? Zapravo, boje koje ste odabrali da obučete nisu vezane samo za vašu ličnost, već govore i o vašem emocionalnom zdravlju i raspoloženju onih koji vas okružuju.
Ako želite da budete primećeni, bilo od strane jačeg ili slabijeg pola, obucite se u crveno. Ova boja znači seksualnost, vatrenost. Mnoge studije pokazale su da crvena ima jak uticaj na ponašanje, a onoga ko je nosi čini upadljivim i privlačnim. Žene mogu čak nositi crveno kako bi, nesvesno, slale seksualne signale.
Plava boja utiče smirujuće i opuštajuće. Zato ne treba da iznenađuje da se ljudi najudobnije osećaju noseći plavo. Plava boja povezuje se sa otvorenošću i mirom, što dalje, otvara vrata kreativnosti.
Mnogi se odlučuju za crnu, zato što je “proverena”, “ide uz sve”, “sužava”... Ali, ona može imati i negativne konotacije.
Ako želite da vas primete, obucite narandžasto. Ova boja podiže raspoloženje i govori o pozitivnom emocionalnom duhu.
Ako želite da širite osećaj poverenja i pozitivnog emocionalnog stanja, nosite zeleno. To je boja prirode, ekologije, ali i novca i bogatstva. Pored toga, ova boja može pokrenuti kreativnost.
Kraljevska boja – ljubičasta. Odaje jaku ličnost koja voli da bude lider. Ona je kombinacija crvene i plave, dve moćne boje. 
Kad vidite nekoga u roze odeći, pre ćete reći “slatko je”, nego “super je”. Ali, uprkos čednom izgledu, ova boja može nekad vrlo snažan efekat. Sedamdesetih prošlog veka naučnici su otkrili da zatvorenici koji zure u plafon ili zid obojen u roze postaju manje agresivni.
Siva je neutralna boja i nema neki poseban uticaj na raspoloženje, posebno na nivou podsvesti. Ona je dobar izbor ako hoćete da ostavite utisak odmerenosti i uzdržanosti. Treba da znate da siva ima moć da deluje suzbijajuće, tako da, ako stalno nosite sivu boju, možda posle nekog vremena nećete biti najsrećnija osoba na planeti.
Tako da devojke, pažljivo birajte boje, ali u svakom slučaju trudite se da izgledate u svakoj kombinaciji ženstveno i dostojno.

Have you ever wondered why you just put on the clothes of a particular color? Does it depend on your mood? Maybe it says something  about your personality? In fact, the colors you choose to wear are not related only to your personality, but also speak about your emotional health and mood of those around you .
If you want to be noticed put on the red color. This color means sexuality and passion. Many studies have shown that red has a strong influence on behavior and the wearer makes a striking and attractive . Women can even wear red to unconsciously send sexual signals.
The blue color is calming and relaxing. You should therefore not be surprise that people feel most comfortable wearing blue. The blue color is associated with openness and peace, which further opens your creativity .
Many choose black because it is "always the right choice", "goes with everything " , "narrow" ... But it can have negative connotations .
If you want to be noticed, wear orange. This uplifts and talks about positive emotional style.
If you want to spread a sense of confidence and a positive emotional state, wear green. It is the color of nature, ecology and money and wealth . In addition, the color may run creativity .
Royal colors - purple. Reveals a strong personality of those who likes to be a leader. It is a combination of red and blue, two powerful colors .
When you see someone in a pink outfit, first you say " sweet ", not " it's great " . But, despite the virtuous appearance, this color can have very powerful effect . In the seventies of the last century, scientists have discovered that prisoners who were staring at the ceiling or walls painted in pink become less aggressive .
Gray is a neutral color and does not have any particular effect on mood, particularly at the level of the subconscious . It is a good choice if you want to leave the impression of restraint. You should know that silver has the power to act by suppressing, so if you 're wearing only a gray color, maybe after a while you won’t be the happiest person on the planet .
So the girls carefully choose the colors, but nevertheless, try to look in every combination feminine and dignified .

TopShop skirt
Zara sweater
Zara sandals
Ana Hickmann sunglasses

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