четвртак, 19. децембар 2013.

Townhouse 27

Zenska lepota – to je najbolja osobina koju zena moze da ima.
Jednom je Dostojevski u svom romanu izgovorio zagonetnu frazu: “Lepota spasava svet”. Koja je to zapravo lepota?
Lepota je harmonija i umetnost znati meru. Sve zene zele da izgledaju sarmantno, ali ne zna svaka kako to da postigne. Mnoge iz njih misle da izgled ne igra glavnu ulogu u njihovim zivotima, ali to bas i nije tacno, izgled svakako ima jako veliku vrednost. Nazalost, nisu sve nadarene lepotom. Mnoge zene sirom sveta se pitaju sta treba da urade da budu lepe.  Zapravo, ljudi smatraju da je najglavnije da zena ume lepo da se obuce i da se nasminka, ali najbitnije je da zena ume da “predstavi” sebe i da pokaze sva svoja dostojanstva. Zena koja ima pravilno drzanje, lepe noge, koja ume slobodno i lako da se krece, ima prijatan glas i lepo mirise, uvek privlaci paznju muskaraca. Moda dolazi i odlazi, ali stil ostaje zauvek. Zena mora da vodi racuna o sebi, da se neguje. Istina je kad se devojcice prvi put zaljube, tad i pocnu da se neguju. Ako zena sebe postuje, ona ce uvek brinuti o sebi. Mnogi muskarci misle da izgled nije najbitniji, ona treba da bude pametna i komunikativna.
Svako drugacije shvata pojam lepote. Ako je zena “lepa” unutra, ona mora da bude lepa i spolja. 

Female beauty - it's the best trait a woman can have .
Once Dostoevsky in his novel uttered the phrase: " Beauty saves the world ." What beauty he was talking about?
The beauty is harmony and art to know the extent. All women want to look charming, but not everyone knows how to achieve this. Some of them think that appearance don't play a major role in their lives, but that's not true, the appearance has a great value. Unfortunately, not all women are gifted with beauty. Many women around the world are wondering what they should do to look beautiful. In fact, people believe that the main thing about women are to be dressed well and to know to put the make-up, but the most important thing for women is know how to "present" themselves and show all their dignity. A woman who has good posture, nice legs, knows how move with lightness, has a pleasant voice and smells good, always attracts the  men's attention. Fashion comes and goes, but style remains forever. Woman have to take care of herself, to cherish. It is true that when the girls fall in love for the first time, they start to cherish. If a woman respects herself, she will always take care of herself . Many men think that appearance is not everything, women has to be intelligent and communicative .
Everyone understands the concept of beauty differently. If a woman is "pretty" inside, she must be beautiful from the outside .

Stradivarious cropped sweater
Zara skirt
Aldo shoes

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