Postoje neke stvari koje svaki covek obozava da nosi, cak iz uz kupovinu novih krpica, te stvari ostaju omiljene. Meni su to starke, sorts i sako koje vidite na slikama. Ja sam ih uzela skroz slucajno pre dve godine, ali kako kazu "kad kupis nesto neplanirano, najsladje nosis", i to je istina.
Da li vi imate neke omiljene stvari koje volite da cesto nosite?
Da li vi imate neke omiljene stvari koje volite da cesto nosite?
There are some things that every person loves to wear, even with the purchase of new clothes and these things are still favorite. Mine are converse, shorts and blazer that you see in the photos. I bought them unexpectedly two years ago, but as they say "the sweetest buying is the unplanned one" and it's true.
Do you have some favorite things you like to wear often?
Do you have some favorite things you like to wear often?
I was wearing:
Monsoon shorts
Zara blazer
Zara top
P.S. fashion necklace
Ana Hickmann sunglasses