Vratila sam se u Soci, ko prati blog zna da sam bila krajem aprila ovde. Sad sam dosla na duzi period, turisticki i radno. Kao sto mozda vec znate, u februaru 2014 godine u Sociju se odrzavaju 22. Zimske Olimpijske igre.
Soci je najomiljenije i najpoznatije rusko letovaliste na Crnom moru. Grad je osnovan 1838 godine pod imenom Aleksandrija kao vojno utvrdjenje, da bi 1869 godine dobio rang grada i danasnje ime. U blizi je Kavkaza i nedaleko su granice sa Gruzijom i Abhazijom. U gradu zivi 350.000 stanovnika. Odlikuje ga skoro suptropska klima, neobicno meka za Rusiju, ali sa velikim procentom vlaznosti. Grad pamti samo blage zime i duga leta. Grad je dinamican i neprestano se u njemu gradi. Putin planira da od Socija napravi novi Los Andjeles. Videcemo sta ce ispasti na kraju od toga :)
I'm back in Sochi, who follows the blog knows that I was here in April. I'll stay here for a while, as a tourist and for a work. As you may know, in February 2014 22th Winter Olympics games will be held in Sochi.
Sochi is Russia's most popular and well-known summer resort on the Black Sea. The city was founded in 1838 under the name of Alexandria as a military fortification, that in 1869 the city assumed the present name. City is close to the Caucasus and near the border with Georgia and Abkhazia. The city has 350,000 inhabitants. It is characterized by almost subtropical climate, unusually soft in Russia, with a high percentage of humidity. City remembers a mild winter and long summer. The city is dynamic and constantly being built. Putin plans to make a new Los Angeles in Sochi. We'll see what will come out of this at the end :)
I was wearing:
Mango dress
Mona belt
Louis Vuitton bag
Tervolina flats
H&M bracelets
H&M nacklece
Carrera sunglasses
MAC (Russian red) lipstick