петак, 18. октобар 2013.


Mislim da retko ko ne voli čokoladu. Zar to nije najbolja poslastica? Da pitate mene, ja bih mogla da živim od čokoladi, ali da moj život ne bude toliko sladak, moram da pazim na liniju. 
Setajući Dorćolom, naletela sam na prelepu čokoladnu radnju San Marino u ulici Kralja Petra. Tamo možete da nađete najrazličitije ukuse i oblike čokolade.
Svima, koji vole čokoladu, savetujem da posetie San Marino.

I believe there are few people who don't like chocolate. The best and most delicious sweet. If you ask me, I could live on chocolate, but unfortunately we all know how we'll look like if we consume this irresistible food a lot.
Walking around Dorcol I ran into a beautiful chocolate shop called San Marino at King Peter's Street. There you can find all sorts of chocolate flavors.
To all who loves chocolate, I suggest to visite San Marino.

I was wearing:
Forever 21 shirt
Levis jeans
Zara leather jacket
Timberland Boots
Hermes bag
Zara nacklace
Mona belt

среда, 16. октобар 2013.

Berlin Crew: Day 3

Kakav je vas odnos prema grafitima? Smatrate li da je to umetnost ili ne?
Berlin ima fenomenalne grafite, Berlinski zid je sav u njima, svi su razliciti i posebni. To je nesto sta cini grad vizuelno privlacnijim i veselijim. 
U Beogradu, naprimer, retko mozete da naidjete na umetnicko dobro odradjene grafite, uglavnom su to, nazalost, natpisi po zgradama koji kvare utisak o nasem divnom gradu. 
A mozda ja ipak gresim, jer nisam naisla na takve, pa ako vi imate bolje iskustvo od mene, sto se tice grafita u Beogradu, prosledite mi tu interesantnu informaciju. :)

 What do you think about graffiti? Do you think it's art or not?
Berlin has a fabulous graffiti, the Berlin wall is all covered in them, they are different and special. It's something that makes the city visually more attractive and colorful.
In Belgrade, for example, people are not able to find well done graffiti showing a part of the art, they are mostly, unfortunately, signs on buildings that spoil the impression of our wonderful city.
Or maybe I am wrong, because I didn't find such, so if you have better experience with Belgrade's graffiti than I have, please let me know. :)

I was wearing:
Top Shop jacket
Zara shorts 
C&A T-shirt
Zara earrings
Celine bag
Ana Hickmann sunglasses
Stradivarius shirt
Nur Sace boots

недеља, 13. октобар 2013.

Berlin Crew: Day 1

Jednom sam imala priliku da posetim Berlin, ali da budem iskrena, nisam bila odusevljena gradom. Milsila sam da su ljudi hladni i neljubazni, da se grad ne istice arhitekturom. Sad sam se uverila da to nije tako.
Grad ima svoju pricu i to ga cini posebnim. Toliko toga ima da se vidi tamo, od muzeja, parkova, neobicnih objekata, do lepih kafica, prodavnica i klubova. Ljudi se ne ogledaju na proslost, losu istoriju svoje drzave, nego su nasmejani, veseli i puni zivota. 
Zato sam i ja odlucila da budem vesela i radosna u Berlinu, u tome mi je pomogla midi suknja koju je sasila moja mama. Jako je volim, jer i u hladnim danima ona me vraca u letnje doba zbog svog printa i boja. Moj savet je da kad se osecate neraspolozeno, kad je napolju lose vreme i hladno, obavezno obucete neki komad odece u veseloj boji, jer cete i vi posle toga da izgledate svezije, a i ljudi ce da misle da ste jako raspolozeni.

  Once I had the opportunity to visit Berlin, but to be honest, I wasn't fascinated by the city. I thought people  are cool and unfriendly, the city doesn't stand out with architecture. And I was wrong.
The city has its own story and that makes it special. There is so much to see there, from museums, parks, unusual objects, up to a nice cafes, shops and clubs. People are not reflected on the past, on their bad history of country, but seems delightful, cheerful and full of life.
That's why I decided to be cheerful and happy in Berlin, my midi skirt helped me to achieve the goal. I love it, because even in cold days it brings me back to the summer time because of its prints and colors. My advice is that when you feel depressed, when it's bad weather outside and it's cold, make sure you put on a piece of clothing in a joyful color, because then you look fresher and people will think you're really in a good mood.

I was wearing:
Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
Zara leather jacket
Zara bag