субота, 3. август 2013.

Please welcome! Moscow city.

Napokon posle dve godine sam se vratila u Moskvu. Inace, ovde sam zivela dok nisam zavrsila skolu, tako da povratak u glavni grad Rusije je bio jako emotivan za mene. Jako volim arhitekturu Moskve, njegovu istoriju, grad je velicanstven i unikalan. Tamo se uvek osecam prijatno.
Nazalost, prvih nekoliko dana, Moskva me nije lepo docekala, vreme nije bio "letnje", bilo je hladnjikavo, duvao je vetar, nije bilo sunca.
Mozda i nije bilo bas toplo, zato sam se ja super provela, posetila sam mesta koji su bas znacajni za mene.
S obzirom da sam dosta setala danima, obuca je morala da bude maksimalno udobna i starke su idealne za to. Kombinacija elegantne suknje sa sportskim duksom cine stajling zanimljivijim.
Kako se vama dopada moja odevna kombinacija?

Finally after two years I came back to Moscow. I have been living here for eight years that's why this visit was so emotional for me. I'm into Moscow's architecute, history, the city is so unique and magnificent. I feel there so pleaantly. Unfortunately, the first few days, Moscow did't greeted me nicelybecause the weather wasn't like in summer, it was chilly, the wind was blowing, there was no sun.
Maybe it was't very warm, but I had a great time there, I visited places that are really important to me.
As I was walikng a lot around the city, shoes had to be comfortable and Converse are perfect for this situation. The combination of elegant skirt with sporty styling sweat shirts make interesting.
How do you like my outfit?

Love, the Natural Dress.

I was wearing:
TopShop skirt
Zara sweater
Burberry bag
Ray Ban sunglasses
Rimmel (Lasting finish matte by Kate Moss #109) lipstick