Dragi moji, stigla je i jesen, vise ne mozemo da uzivamo u toplim danima, ali sunce nas i dalje ne ostavlja samim.
Ja sam osoba koja obozava da nosi naocare za sunce, zbog toga suncani dani su za mene savrseni dani. Moja omiljena marka naocara je Ray Ban (sto se moze i primetiti). Prve koje sam kupila su bile Aviator Large Metal i dan danas ih nosim. Oni imaju najbolji dizajn koji pristaje vecini muskaraca i zena.
Da li ste mozda gledali film "Top Gun"? Iskreno, ja sam ga odgledala prvi put pre pola godine. Upravo taj film je odgovoran za povracaj Aviator-ki. Muskarci i zene su bili odusevljeni stajlinog Toma Kruza i ostalih pilota, da posle izlaska filma na male ekrane, prodaja Ray Ban Aviator naocara je porasla na 40%. To je zaista neverovatno!
Koja je vasa omiljena marka suncanih naocara? Da li imate neke koje najvise volite?
Dear followers, fall has come in our town, we can no longer enjoy the warm days, but the sun still doesn't leave us.
I am a person who adores wearing sunglasses, that's why sunny days are perfect for me. My favorite brand of sunglasses are Ray Ban (which may be noticed). The first one I bought was Aviator Large Metal and I still wear them. They have the best design which fits to the most men and women.
Have you seen the movie "Top Gun"? Honestly, I watched it for the first time six months ago. This film is responsible for getting Aviators back. Both men and women swooned at Tom Cruise's and the other pilot's style that Ray-Ban saw a 40% increase in their Aviator sales after the film was released! It's really amazing!
What is your favorite brand of sun glasses? Do you have any that you like?
Kisses, TND :*
Ja sam osoba koja obozava da nosi naocare za sunce, zbog toga suncani dani su za mene savrseni dani. Moja omiljena marka naocara je Ray Ban (sto se moze i primetiti). Prve koje sam kupila su bile Aviator Large Metal i dan danas ih nosim. Oni imaju najbolji dizajn koji pristaje vecini muskaraca i zena.
Da li ste mozda gledali film "Top Gun"? Iskreno, ja sam ga odgledala prvi put pre pola godine. Upravo taj film je odgovoran za povracaj Aviator-ki. Muskarci i zene su bili odusevljeni stajlinog Toma Kruza i ostalih pilota, da posle izlaska filma na male ekrane, prodaja Ray Ban Aviator naocara je porasla na 40%. To je zaista neverovatno!
Koja je vasa omiljena marka suncanih naocara? Da li imate neke koje najvise volite?
Dear followers, fall has come in our town, we can no longer enjoy the warm days, but the sun still doesn't leave us.
I am a person who adores wearing sunglasses, that's why sunny days are perfect for me. My favorite brand of sunglasses are Ray Ban (which may be noticed). The first one I bought was Aviator Large Metal and I still wear them. They have the best design which fits to the most men and women.
Have you seen the movie "Top Gun"? Honestly, I watched it for the first time six months ago. This film is responsible for getting Aviators back. Both men and women swooned at Tom Cruise's and the other pilot's style that Ray-Ban saw a 40% increase in their Aviator sales after the film was released! It's really amazing!
What is your favorite brand of sun glasses? Do you have any that you like?
Kisses, TND :*
Ljiljana Prodanovic maxi skirt
Zara leather jacket
Zara T-shirt
C&A scarf
Zara bag
Bronx boots
H&M earring
Ray Ban sunglasses