субота, 14. децембар 2013.


Ljudski glas, nezavisno od toga da li je muski ili zenski, vezan je sa energetskim centrom koji odgovara za komunikaciju i kreativnost, ali ima i direktan odnos sa seksualnoscu. Ako posmatramo zenski glas stvara prostranstvo oko nje. Da li ste ikada razmisljali kakva se sila skriva u zenskom glasu? Da li vi umete da vladate svojim glasom? Da li ste spremne da uzivate i izjavljujete ljubav? U zenskom glasu je skrivena tajna sila transformacije, sile ljubavi. Ako zena pocne da psuje i vice, ne sluteci, ona rusi prostranstvo nad kojim se trudila i koje je dopunjavala toplotom i komfornoscu. Negativne vibracije, koje proisticu iz zenskog glasa, mogu da uniste muskarca. Nisu potrebne grube reci da bi se to desilo, nego intonacija i visina glasa. Ali zato nezne zenske reci cine cudo. Lep, melodican zenski glas radja prijatne snove i fantazije kod muskaraca. Zena koja je po prirodi emocionalna prica sa pauzama, izraz lica i pokreti tela govore sami za sebe. Zbog toga zeni, koja je ispunjena ljubavlju, cesto nisu potrebna reci da bi rekla muskarcu sta oseca. Cak i kad zena cuti, njen muskarac moze da oseti njeno raspolozenje i zelje. Mudra zena nema potrebu da dokazuje ili ubedjuje muskarca u necemu. Ona jednostavno uziva u samom procesu komunikacije. Glas nije samo zvucni prenos nasih razmisljanja, to je nas izraz, nasa sila. Njim mi prenosicemo svetu ljubav i pozitivnu energiju. Probajte da tako komunicirate, kao da je vas glas vase srce, glas ljubavi. Videcete kako ce se promeniti svet oko vas.

The human voice , it doesn't matter if it is male or female, is related to the energy center which is responsible for the communication and creativity, but also has a direct relationship to sexuality. If we consider the female voice it creates space around it. Have you ever thought about the power that is hidden in a woman's voice? Do you know how to control your voice? Are you ready to enjoy and show love? The woman's voice is a hidden secret powers of transformation, power of love. If a woman starts to swear and vice, not thinking about consequences, she destroys the space on which tried to work out and the space she has complemented with the warmth and comfort. Negative vibrations, arising from a female voice, can destroy men. They don't need words to make it happen, but the intonation and tone of voice. However, female's charming voice makes a miracle. Beautiful, melodic female voice can born pleasant dreams and fantasies of men. A woman who is by nature an emotional speaks with pauses, facial expressions and body movements speak for herself. That is way the woman who is fulfilled with love often don't need words to say to a man what they feel. Even if the woman stays silent, her man knows what she is feeling and thinking about. A wise woman doesn't need to prove or convince a man of something. She just enjoys the process of communication. The voice is not only sound transfer of thoughts, it shows our expressions, our forces. With them we transmit love and energy to the world. Try to communicate like that, like your voice comes out of your heart, you'll see how the world changes around you .

Love, the Natural Dress

Ljiljana Prodanovic skirt
Morgano sweater
Zara Coat
Shoestar boots
Ray Ban sunglasses

Photos shot by Aleksa Cvejic