четвртак, 3. октобар 2013.

Parisian Belgrade

Dragi moji, sigurno vam nije lako u ovim jesenjim hladnim danima, kada ste morali da obujete svoje tople cizme i jakne pre vremena, sigurno se svaki put iznervirate kada cujete onu ustaljenu frazu: "Ne postoji lose vreme, postoji losa odeca" i reci cu vam da imate pravo! Ovi dani su zaista bili sivi i zato sam odlucila ovog puta da budem hrabra i izadjem na ulice Beograda u ljupkom pariskom look-u i suprostavim se hladnoci. Mislim da sam uspela, a vi to procenite i sami! Posto se nedelja mode u Parizu zavrsila pre neki dan, resila sam da vam prenesem bar delic te atmosfere. Inace, Pariz je jedan od mojih najomiljenijih gradova, kao i vecini ljudi koji su tamo bili. Mada je moja prica sa njim specificna, jer mi nije ostvario jednu veliku zelju, a to da me nije zbog kisovitog vremena i jakog vetra pustio da se popnem na Ajfelov toranj i vidim ceo grad sa visine. Bas zato je u meni ostavio tu veliku zelju da se vratim u njega i ostvarim svoj san. Veliki pozdrav za sve koji su bili u Parizu ili zele da ga posete!

Dear followers, certainly is not easy in these cold autumn days when you had to put on your warm boots and jackets prematurely, surely it annoys you every time you hear that established phrase: "There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes," and I'll tell you have a right! These days were really gray, so this time I decided to be brave and go out on Belgrade streets in the charming Parisian look and stand up to the cold. I think I made it, and it's up to you to decide if I did! Since the fashion week in Paris ended some days ago, I decided to take at least, part of the atmosphere. Anyway, Paris is one of my favorite cities, and for the most people who were there. Although my story is specific, because it didn't let my dream come true. Because of rainy weather and high winds I didn't have a chance get to the Eiffel Tower and see the whole city from above. That is why it left that great desire to get back at it and realize my dream. Greetings to all who were in Paris and want to visit it!

I was wearing:
Ljiljana Prodanovic dress
Zara blazer
Aldo boots
Celine bag
H&M hat
Ana Hickmann sunglasses
Mac (Hang up) lipstick

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